Steadfast Power Massive, Box of 30 Sachets

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When one has a fast metabolism or consume less calories a day or want to gain muscle mass and size, having a complete stack of nutrient to attain a full size require lots amount of nutrients and that may not be fulfilled with a normal food diet. Mass Gainer that is loaded with enough calories, carbohydrate, protein and other nutrients would be needed to gain on mass and size.
Why Power Massive?
Power Massive is a mass gainer which comes with an amazing blend of simple and complex carbohydrates along with slow and fast releasing proteins. Power Massive's high calorie content not only helps you in meeting daily calories requirements but also helps build muscle mass. The combination of simple and complex carbohydrates delivers instant energy and also supplies continuous energy to replenish lost glycogen stores. Slow and fast releasing proteins work together in our body providing quick as well as sustained recovery of muscles and enhanced muscle synthesis. During workout, body loses many electrolytes in the form of sweat and tissues wearing out. Power Massive also contains essential 26 vitamins and minerals to restock lost nutrient stores and prevent deficiencies. Power Massive gives additional benefits of Taurine and Choline. The Taurine content prevents oxidative stress, makes you alert, increases uptake of nutrients in muscle cells and boosts energy levels improving one’s performance. Choline is another benefitting special ingredient which assists in effective muscle contractions, decreasing fatigue elevating energy levels. Power Massive acts as an anti-inflammatory which can help athletes quickly recover from muscle soreness. Power Massive comes in delicious chocolate flavour and contains no added sugar, artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Digestive enzymes like protease and lactase will support our digestive system in keeping issues like indigestion, acidity and gas formation at bay. Just two servings of Power Massive per day is the most convenient solution of fulfilling your increased calorie demands. Unlike many other mass gainers out there, Power Massive has good mixability.
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